The Book Worlds of East Asia and Europe, 1450-1850:Connections and Comparisons部落客 博客來

博客來博客來網路書店 This volume provides the first comparative survey of the relations between the two most active book worlds in Eurasia between 1450 and 1850. Prominent scholars in book history explore different approaches to publishing, printing, and book culture. They discuss the extent of technology transfer and book distribution between the two regions and show how much book historians of East Asia and Europe can learn from one another by raising new questions, exploring remarkable similarities and differences in these regions’ production, distribution, and consumption of books.

The chapters in turn show different ways of writing transnational comparative博客來書店 history. Whereas recent problems confronting research on European books can instruct researchers on East Asian book production, so can the privileged role of noncommercial publications in the East Asian textual record highlight for historians of the European book the singular contribution of commercial printing and market demands to the making of the European printed record. Likewise, although production growth was accompanied in both regions by a wider distribution of books, woodblock technology’s simplicity and mobility allowed for a shift in China of its production and distribution sites farther down the hierarchy of urban sites than was common in Europe. And, the different demands and consumption practices within these two regions’ expanding markets led to different genre preferences and uses as well as to the growth of distinctive female readerships. A substantial introduction pulls the work together and the volume ends with an essay that considers how these historical developments shape the present book worlds of Eurasia.


  • 出版社:香港大學出版社    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2015/11/13
  • 語言:繁體中文


台灣經濟的浴火重生 (台灣經濟論叢 16)







成功的決策 - 一學就會的決策技術

The Book Worlds of East Asia and Europe, 1450-1850:Connections and Comparisons部落客



(中央社記者沈如峰宜蘭縣8日電)為脊髓損傷者而跑的第三屆Wings for Life全球路跑台灣賽道,今天晚上在宜蘭與世界各地賽道選手同步起跑,吸引約6000名跑者參與。

「WINGS FOR LIFE全球路跑」不同於一般路跑,是一項沒有終點的創新路跑。跑者在起跑後30分鐘,官方的Catcher Car「終結者號」車輛隨即在起點啟動,以時速15公里逐步加速追趕跑者;選手被「終結者號」車超越時,挑戰才算結束。最後被車輛追到者為男女冠軍。


主辦單位說,今年第三屆Wings for Life全球路跑的亞洲賽道僅有台灣與日本。在台灣賽道部分,吸引約6000名跑者參與,他們於晚上7時在宜蘭縣立體育館起跑,一同與全球6大洲、34處賽道的跑者同步開跑。



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The Book Worlds of East Asia and Europe, 1450-1850:Connections and Comparisons部落客
那裡買,The Book Worlds of East Asia and Europe, 1450-1850:Connections and Comparisons部落客價格,The Book Worlds of East Asia and Europe, 1450-1850:Connections and Comparisons部落客特賣會,The Book Worlds of East Asia and Europe, 1450-1850:Connections and Comparisons部落客評比,The Book Worlds of East Asia and Europe, 1450-1850:Connections and Comparisons部落客部落客 推薦


The Book Worlds of East Asia and Europe, 1450-1850:Connections and Comparisons部落客


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